Cosmetic Dentistry in Brooklyn

Woman smiling at dentistA bright smile is powerful and can create happiness in all aspects of life. Regular dental visits keep your teeth healthy and prevent dental problems. Cosmetic dentistry improves the aesthetics of your smile, including color, position, and size. Every year, cosmetic dentistry procedures restore confidence to thousands of people.

How Does Cosmetic Dentistry Help Me?

At Aesthetic Dental, we offer comprehensive consultations and treatment with modern equipment to help maintain your radiant smile. Our dentists are highly trained and skilled in various cosmetic techniques, including

  • Cosmetic Bonding—having chipped or discolored teeth can be a source of embarrassment for many people. Bonding is one of the simplest cosmetic dental procedures available. Composite resin is shaped and molded on the teeth for a straight white smile.
  • Dental Veneers—these are custom-made porcelain appliances (or composite resin) applied to the surface of a tooth. They can change the color, shape, size, or length of the tooth’s appearance once bonded in place. They look great and require minimal preparation.
  • Crown Lengthening—when teeth are covered with excess gum tissue, it can result in a less aesthetically pleasing smile. The procedure involves reshaping or recontouring the gum tissue and bone around the tooth in question.
  • Tooth Contouring—a simple procedure that aims to change the shape of a tooth, most often the edge (bottom edge of upper front teeth or upper edge of lower front teeth), to obtain a more pleasing look. This is done by shaping the enamel with gentle abrasive polishers of varying grit.
  • Teeth Whitening—years of coffee or tea drinking, smoking, or, in some cases, medical issues, can cause discoloration of the enamel of the teeth. Cosmetic dentists are specially trained in the whitening process. With results that are four shades or more lighter, patients achieve a brighter smile!

At our practice, we believe cosmetic dentistry can have a truly transformative effect on one’s life. Our skilled cosmetic dentists in [AS] witness these positive changes in our patients daily and are committed to delivering exceptional aesthetic results for everyone.

Discover a Brighter, Healthier Smile

Using advanced technology and techniques, we create the smile of your dreams, leaving you with the confidence and positive self-image you deserve. Contact our friendly team.


Cosmetic Dentistry Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY | (718) 389-4266