Girl wearing braces and holding aligner

Orthodontics in Brooklyn

Orthodontic care has become more common as people discover the long-term aesthetic and functional benefits of straightening their teeth and restoring their natural smile. As part of our commitment to our patients, we have orthodontic care on-site at Aesthetic Dental. Appointments are limited to Sundays, so make sure you book an appointment with a team member as soon as possible.

Choosing the Right Method

When you meet with the orthodontist, they will review your X-rays and discuss the methods available to provide the best results. We offer several options for tooth correction:

Metal braces

Metal braces are traditional wire and bracket braces and are more durable, making them a better fit for cases of severe correction that may take longer to achieve the desired results. These fixed appliances require more maintenance and dental visits to adjust the braces.

While typically recommended for children because their teeth are still forming, adults may also choose this option, especially if the correction is complicated.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are similar to traditional braces but use brackets that can be either clear or tooth-colored for a more attractive appearance. These appliances are best for less severe correction as they may not be able to take the same amount of pressure as the metal braces.

Ceramic brackets tend to be larger, and some people complain of sensitivity. Braces generally irritate patients’ mouths and require some getting used to, regardless of whether they are made with metal or ceramic. Expect to have a period of adjustment no matter what hardware you choose to improve the shape of your teeth.


Invisalign® are the best-known brand of clear aligners worldwide. These clear plastic aligners make it possible to achieve straight teeth without traditional braces. A gentler and more aesthetically pleasing alternative to braces, they are ideal for those who want to correct their bite without wearing a bulky design in their mouth.

The removable translucent are worn for at least 22 hours daily to correct teeth faster than braces, and no one knows you’re wearing them. Our 3D imaging can even preview your results during the planning stage.

3M™ Clarity™ Aligners

3M™ Clarity™ Aligners are made by 3M company, which has years of experience in the manufacture of plastics, these aligners come with two different levels of rigidity—as opposed to the Invisalign system, which only has one—to address more alignment problems. These aligners can also work with their clear braces or InBrace to fix other severe alignment issues.

Only approved orthodontic specialists trained to use the technology correctly have access to these aligners. We are proud to say that our doctor has received the necessary certification to offer this option to our patients.

With both Invisalign and Clarity aligners, patients must be committed to following their program to achieve results and wear a retainer at night to ensure they maintain them.

Take That First Step Toward a Straighter Smile

Still curious about our options for straighter teeth? Give our office a call at (718) 389-4266 and speak to a friendly team member about this service. It’s easy to get the smile you want; call today!


Orthodontics Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY | (718) 389-4266