Sedation Dentistry in Brooklyn

Woman getting sedationMany people associate trips to the dentist with pain, adding a layer of psychological discomfort to every visit. This negativity prevents them from receiving the dental care they desperately need until the problem becomes severe. People who experience high stress levels in their daily lives can be especially susceptible to these feelings.

That’s why sedation dentistry has become so crucial in clinics today, and more dentists are actively using various options to provide their patients with a higher level of comfort.

At Aesthetic Dental, your comfort is important to us, so all procedures are done without pain using sedation dentistry.

The Importance of Sedation in Dentistry

Sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry, conscious sedation dentistry allows the patient to enter a state of relaxation, reducing the level of physical and mental activity while remaining awake during the procedure and responsive to the dentist’s questions and requests.

In most cases, local anesthesia is sufficient for the procedures to be performed. For hyperactive individuals, those with elevated anxiety levels, or certain medical conditions, sedation may be necessary. If the patient requests it, we administer nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas” or an injection to provide extra comfort.

Deep sedation may be used when multiple procedures need to be done at the same visit. Consciousness is completely turned off, and basic reflexes are somewhat suppressed. To use deep sedation, patients must follow a strict protocol, including a comprehensive examination, drug preparation, and a food restriction of three to four hours before surgery. Patients remain under our supervision for some time after their procedures to ensure safety.

Enjoy a Comfortable, Relaxed Experience

Take the stress out of your dental experience with sedation dentistry. It’s a safe and effective option for our patients’ comfort. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is dental sedation?

Sedation helps patients relax while receiving dental care. Inhaling the soothing gas through a mask helps them gradually get used to the care process.

How is sedation done in dentistry?

Our dentists use a gas-air mixture with nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” at a specific level. The patient breathes through a mask or nasal oxygen catheter with this mixture.

Which is better, sedation or anesthesia?

Anesthesia allows patients to receive care in a dream-like state, while sedation helps relax them enough to be treated. The patient is conscious and can communicate with the doctor—i.e. answer questions, clarify symptoms, and share sensations. Even children can use it as the effects disappear after removing the mask.


Sedation Dentistry Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY | (718) 389-4266