Dental Crowns in Brooklyn

Dental crown illustrationDental crowns are a way to restore a severely damaged tooth where other methods, such as fillings and inlays, won’t work. The point is to return the tooth to its original shape so it can function as it should. Often referred to as a cap, crowns replace the tooth’s visible part. They are unique to the individual, created from impressions of each person’s tooth.

Crowns offer protection from infection after root canal surgery, when teeth are discolored, chipped, or broken, or if you grind your teeth, cannot chew food comfortably, or your bite is out of alignment.

Evaluating Patients for Crown Placement

After a complete examination, our dentist evaluates each person as to their suitability for crown placement based on whether the original crown on the tooth is significantly damaged, absent in principle, or has an aesthetic defect. Crowns are not suitable in cases of extreme periodontitis or if the patient is under the age of 14.

Deciding which material best suits the patient takes into account clinical manifestations, personal preferences of the person, financial capabilities, and many other factors. The doctor and the patient make the decision jointly by reviewing the existing situation.

Types, Materials, and Manufacturing Methods

Several different materials are used to manufacture crowns. They include

  • Metal—the most affordable of all types but the least aesthetic. Their color stands out, and they’re large and shiny.
  • Cermet—strong plus with a relatively natural appearance at a low price. They’re made with metal internally and ceramic on the outside. The ceramic part is the same color as natural teeth, but the metal rim becomes noticeable when gums decrease for various reasons.
  • Ceramics—don’t contain any metal impurities. They are the most expensive option but are the same color and transparency as natural teeth, providing patients with a beautiful smile.
  • Metal-plastic—suitable for temporary crowns, usually with implants.
  • Plastic—acrylic or composite resin is used to make a cap.
  • Zirconium—closely resembles the texture and appearance of a natural tooth and is stronger than ceramic and porcelain crowns. They also integrate better with the gum and other teeth, making them more popular than other materials.

Choosing What’s Best for You

Contact us to schedule a consultation to see if crowns are a good option for you. We’re here to help you enhance your smile!

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are best for dental crowns?

It depends on the tooth’s condition, but we recommend pressed ceramics with a higher density. Zirconium dioxide is another good option.

How long do crowns last?

The service life of ceramic crowns varies between five and ten years, and zirconium dioxide from 20 to 25 years.

Can a crown be installed without a tooth?

Without a natural tooth as a foundation, a crown can only be installed using an implant.

What is better, building up a tooth or installing a crown?

Compared with the installation of a crown, tooth extension is considered a more modern and reliable way to restore a damaged tooth, allowing you to preserve its integrity as much as possible and in the shortest possible time in one visit to a specialist to get an excellent aesthetic and functional result.


Dental Crowns Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY | (718) 389-4266